Quick And Dirty – an Offensively Fun Party Game!



Quick And Dirty is a series of fast, fun games. They range from crude/mature to family-friendly in content.

This Black Original Edition is intended for a mature audience and contains crude and crazy content. Recommended playing age is 17 years or older.

Quick And Dirty contains 3 different ways to play, with difficulty levels of easy, moderate, and hard. It supports 2 to 20+ players.

The square cards can be easily read from 4 different directions, allowing anyone sitting around a table to play without being disadvantaged!

You can expand the topics in Quick And Dirty by combining this Original Edition with another edition such as the Half Wits, Girls Night, or Military Edition Flirty Fun Pack.

While there are no swear words or explicit content in the game, many topics are crude, rude, and designed for an adult audience. The answers you shout maybe even more offensive! Use your discretion when choosing to play Quick And Dirty: Black Original Edition, and we suggest not playing around children or in a professional work environment.


  • 70 cards (42 topics, 24 letters) in a compact box, good for over 1,000 unique round combinations


  • 70 cards (topic and letter cards)
  • compact box
  • Instructions

Rule Set #1: Party Play


Put black pile & white pile face down.

Game Play

  1. Flip a black category card and read it aloud, then immediately flip over a white letter card.

  2. First to yell out an answer starting with the letter that fits the category wins the round.
  3. The winner takes the black card to keep score, the champion is whoever finishes with the most!

Rules Set #2: Judge Play


Put black pile and white pile face down, one player is the initial judge.

Game Play

  1. The judge reads a black category card aloud, then hands out a letter card to each player
  2. Players have 10 seconds to think of an answer starting with their own letter card.
  3. Then go clockwise around the group and have each player say their answer, or pass.
  4. Once all players have answered or passed, the judge decides their favorite answer
  5. The winner gets the black card to keep score, player on judge’s left is the new round judge


Rules Set #3: Finger Play


Place a face-down pile of category cards only, no letters are used. All players hold 5 fingers up.

Game Play

  1. Any player flips a category card and reads it aloud (prior round loser will flip next round).
  2. The player on left now has 5 seconds to yell an answer. The answer can start with any letter.
  3. The next player on left now has 5 seconds to yell another answer. No one may repeat the answers.
  4. Continue around the circle until a player is unable to give an answer within 5 seconds.
  5. Round loser lowers 1 finger to keep score. Lose all 5 and you’re out. The last survivor wins.


Party Tips

  • Flip a new letter if the group gets stuck, reshuffle the white cards when required
  • Game ends once all category cards are won
  • Answers can be a word or short phrase

Optional Drinking Rules

  • The round winner gets to allocate one drink to a player of their choosing
  • If a player shouts an answer that the group rejects, that player takes one drink
  • If nobody yells an acceptable answer within 5 seconds everybody takes one drink
  • If you repeat an answer, finish your drink

Note: Drinking rules are entirely optional. Players may voluntarily add a liquid of their choice and stop anytime. Do not drink to excess or force others to drink.


Judge Tips

  • Reshuffle white cards when required
  • Play for as long as you like or until all black category cards are won
  • Answers can be a word or short phrase

Optional Drinking Rules

  • The round winner allocates one drink to a player of their choosing
  • If a player doesn’t think of an answer and passes for the round, they take one drink
  • If a player gives an answer that at least half the group agrees is lame, that player should take two drinks

Note: Drinking rules are entirely optional. Players may voluntarily add a liquid of their choice and stop anytime. Do not drink to excess or force others to drink.


Finger Tips

  • An acceptable answer should have the support of at least half the group
  • Play 3 fingers for a shorter game or 10 fingers for a longer game (4 player max)

Optional Drinking Rules

  • If a player fails to yell a valid answer within 5 seconds, they take one drink.
  • A player can extend their time beyond 5 seconds if they drink while they think.
  • If you repeat an answer, finish your drink.
  • Once a player has lost all their fingers and is out, they should finish their drink.

Note: Drinking rules are entirely optional. Players may voluntarily add a liquid of their choice and stop anytime.

Do not drink to excess or force others to drink.


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